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A Brief History of Gallant Pumps

Dr. Kilani (Professor in HCT) has the idea of Gentle pump from his PhD study in Florida State University

his research group was approached by Johnson & Johnson Company, who solicited proposals for a gentle pump which can be used in their electrophoresis blood treatment machine.  There was a need for a blood pump, which could operate for a longer period of time without causing blood cell damage (hemolysis) to the treated patient.  A number of concepts have been proposed by his group including screw type pumps, centrifugal pumps and roller pumps.  Some of these concepts have also been tested.  This idea was not proposed earlier.


Mohammad Kilani

Professor in mechanical and mechatronics engineering, Ph.D. in mechanical engineering

Altaf Khan

Lecturer in mechanical engineering, M.Sc. in mechanical engineering.

Mohammad Al-Rawadiah

Lab Engineer in mechanical engineering, M.Sc. mechanical engineering

Mahmoud Sakr Omer Shihab

Ahmed Umran Ali

Shaik Mohammad Saad Hussain

Sultan Ibrahim Amin Ghuloum Alzarooni

Mechanical Engineering Student

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